Dynamically starting Sagas with runSaga

The runSaga function allows starting sagas outside the Redux middleware environment. It also allows you to hook up to external input/output, other than store actions.

For example, you can start a Saga on the server using:

import serverSaga from 'somewhere'
import {runSaga, storeIO} from 'redux-saga'
import configureStore from 'somewhere'
import rootReducer from 'somewhere'

const store = configureStore(rootReducer)

runSaga returns a task object. Just like the one returned from a fork effect.

Besides taking and dispatching actions to the store runSaga can also be connected to other input/output sources. This allows you to exploit all the features of sagas to implement control flows outside Redux.

The method has the following signature

runSaga(iterator, {subscribe, dispatch}, [monitor])


  • iterator: {next, throw} : an iterator object, Typically created by invoking a Generator function

  • subscribe(callback) => unsubscribe: i.e. a function which accepts a callback and returns an unsubscribe function

    • callback(action) : callback (provided by runSaga) used to subscribe to input events. subscribe must support registering multiple subscriptions

    • unsubscribe() : used by runSaga to unsubscribe from the input source once it has completed (either by normal return or a thrown exception)

  • dispatch(action) => result: used to fulfill put effects. Each time a yield put(action) is issued, dispatch is invoked with action. The return value of dispatch is used to fulfill the put effect. Promise results are automatically resolved/rejected.

  • monitor(sagaAction) (optional): a callback which is used to dispatch all Saga related events. In the middleware version, all actions are dispatched to the Redux store. See the sagaMonitor example for usage.

The subscribe argument is used to fulfill take(action) effects. Each time subscribe emits an action to its callbacks, all sagas that are blocked on take(PATTERN), and whose take pattern matches the currently incoming action, are resumed with that action.