Currently the module exports a single public method:

compileCss(source:string, options:object)

The method accepts a source folder and a set of options to compile all css-modules found into a single css file, removing css imports declaration and substituting them with static objects of css class names.

- source : string

Relative or absolute path to the source folder containing the css/js to be processed.

- options : object

  • targetFolder string Relative or absolute path to the target folder. The source folder will be copied to the given path and its content will be compiled.
  • targetName string Name used to create the final compiled css output, the extension is required. Eg. final-output.css
  • plugins array List of postcss plugins instances ready to be passed to postcss. Eg. [atImport(), colorFunction()]
  • blacklist array List of glob patterns used to filter out some css files from css compilation. Eg. ['*.global.css', 'main.css']

results matching ""

    No results matching ""