css-modules-compiler.js compile --help
css-modules-compiler.js -s <source folder> -t <target folder> -n <output name> -p <plugin modules>
--help Show help [boolean]
-s, --source Source folder to be processed, can be a relative or an absolute path. [string] [required]
-t, --target Target folder, if defined the source folder will be copied to the given path and the modules will process the duplicated folder. [string]
-p, --plugins Space separated string of names of npm postcss
plugins. This parameter must be defined as last. [array]
--plugins-config, --pconf Path to a node module invoked at runtime to receive a list of plugins. The modules must export a function. [string]
-n, --name Name for the generated css file, defaults to styles.css [string] [default: "styles.css"]
-b, --blacklist Space separated sequence of patterns used to filter css files from compilation. [array]